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Gardening Ideas for 2015

Spring is that magical time of year when the snow melts and flowers pop out of the ground. After a long winter, you finally get to see what’s been going on underneath the snow all this time. Unfortunately, daffodils and crocuses aren’t the only ones planning an early start. Grubs and weeds are also getting ready for action. If you want to amp up your home’s curb appeal and surround yourself with a lush lawn and beautiful flowers, now’s the perfect time to get started. Just follow these simple tips.

Lawn Maintenance

Maintaining your lawn is an essential part of being a homeowner. When the forsythias bloom, apply pre-emergent herbicides to prevent weeds from germinating.

Lawn EdgingEdging is a great way to define your flowerbeds and make mowing easier. Tidy up landscaped areas with an edging tool, or install plastic borders. If you have rock walls or a stone patio, replace any stones that have been displaced during the winter. Spring is also a good time to check your deck and apply sealant.


Spring Cleanup

Spring Garden Cleanup

Prepare flowerbeds for new plants by working old mulch into the topsoil. You can also purchase bagged compost to enrich heavy clay.

Before you plant new flowers and bedding plants, remove dead foliage and any dried leaves from last fall. It’s also a good idea to divide perennials that are overgrown.


Pruning trees and shrubs is a major chore, but it will be easier if you keep after it. Foliage trees can be cut back before the leaves emerge. If you have forsythias, lilacs and trees that bloom in the spring, wait until they’re done flowering. Remove dead limbs and flower stalks anytime.

Planting and Mulching

Planting and Mulching

If you despise weeds, make sure to mulch around trees, shrubs and flowers. Mulch conserves moisture, keeps out unwanted plants and makes landscaped areas look neat and tidy.

After the cleanup is done, you can select new items to add to your garden and to containers. If you’re interested in vegetable gardening or prefer ornamental plants, you can pick up seeds, seedlings and flats of bedding plants at your local garden shop.

Gardening can be a lot of work, but it’s also rewarding. Good landscaping will make your home the envy of the block. It can also increase your home’s value, so it’s a great investment that can be enjoyed now.

Picture of Anne-Marie Grantham

Anne-Marie Grantham

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